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  1. Forrest, D. R., Molecular Manufacturing for Clean, Low Cost Textile Production, in: Proceedings of Ecotextile 04, held in Manchester, UK, 7-8 July 2004, Bolton Institute, Deane Road, UK. Unduh
  2. Forrest, D. R., The Future Impact of Molecular Nanotechnology on Textile Technology and on the Textile Industry, Proceedings of Discover Expo ’95: Industrial Fabric & Equipment Exposition, held 12 October 1995, Charlotte, North Carolina; pub. Industrial Fabric Association International, 1995. Unduh
  3. Productive Nanosystems. A Technology Roadmap. Sumber: Foresight Institute. Unduh
  4. Kumpulan Makalah TexChem Student Science Fair 2004. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Tekstil, 2004. Unduh.
  5. Kumpulan Makalah TexChem Student Science Fair 2005. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Tekstil, 2005. Unduh.