Berikut ini adalah daftar tautan menarik dan berguna tentang sains dan teknologi tekstil dan bidang-bidang lain yang terkait, seperti polimer, kimia, nanoteknologi, dan permesinan. Tautan yang tersedia di judul maupun akhir penjelasan tiap situs akan membuka windows baru dan membawa anda ke halaman yang dituju. Semoga bermanfaat.
- The Trajectory of Nanotechnology
" focuses on the science behind productive nanosystems, a nanotechnology that will enable molecular manufacturing. It includes tutorial material, new results, annotated bibliographies, and links to external web resources. A better understanding this topic is important on many levels, ranging from setting directions for individual education and scientific research in nanotechnology through exploring options for addressing problems on the largest scales, including greenhouse gases and climate change. ..." [selanjutnya] - Institute for Molecular Manufacturing
"Molecular manufacturing is a future technology that will allow us to build large objects to atomic precision, quickly and cheaply, with virtually no defects. Robotic mechanisms will position and react molecules to build systems to complex atomic specification. ..." [selanjutnya].
Dalam daftar publikasinya terdapat dua paper yang membahas visi aplikasi manufaktur molekuler di bidang tekstil. Anda bisa mendapatkan kopinya melalui perpustakaan ThinkTextiles kami atau bisa juga langsung mengunjungi ruang publikasi IMM untuk mengunduh berkasnya. - Nanotechnology by Ralph Merkle
"In the future, nanotechnology will let us take off the boxing gloves. We'll be able to snap together the fundamental building blocks of nature easily, inexpensively and in most of the ways permitted by the laws of physics. This will be essential if we are to continue the revolution in computer hardware beyond about the next decade, and will also let us fabricate an entire new generation of products that are cleaner, stronger, lighter, and more precise. ..." [selanjutnya].
Menyediakan banyak tautan berguna lainnya dan bahan referensi online maupun berkas siap-unduh gratis, misalnya:
- All about organic, natural, sustainable and eco-fashion
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